Wednesday, January 16, 2008

lulu stinkibelle

My little girl, Lulu, turned 3 years old today. In dog years that makes this her 21st birthday so I thought I would celebrate with a short post and some "so cute its a crime" photos. Lulu came to us from Queensland quite by accident. We initially had our name down with another litter for a blenheim girl but unfortunately the litter were stillborn and it wasn't to be. The breeder was kind enough to pass our name onto another breeder who was expecting a litter very soon and we were lucky there were enough girls to go around and we got Lulu. She came to us on Easter Weekend of 2005 and has been ruling the house ever since. She has become my shadow and one ritual I love is opening the bedroom door each morning to find her sitting there staring at was once the door and is now my feet. Lord knows how long she actually sits there and waits for! At least Lily is sensible enough to lay on the couch while waiting. Lulu quite confidently struts in, jumps on the bed and snuggles up to the cushions while watching Grant and I get ready for our day. I love the little things like this that make up my memories of our pets. Happy birthday Lulu Stinkibelle! My little fluffy girl. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

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